With cold and flu season, strong indoor air quality can protect you and your family. Beyond limiting the risk of getting sick, enhancing your IAQ delivers even more benefits like better air circulation and a better sense of comfort. Your local experts at Desert Husky HVAC/R Services are happy to help you learn what you need to about the crucial role indoor air quality services have for preventing the spread of the cold or flu. With the right combination of services and equipment, you can address your specific IAQ concerns for years to come.
Don't let cold and flu season compromise your health. Try these several tips for ensuring your indoor air is ready for chilly weather. To schedule an appointment, call Desert Husky HVAC/R Services at 520-416-5415 today.
A Few Tips for Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality During Cold and Flu Season
1. Consider a UV Germicidal Lamp
UV germicidal lamps target microorganisms including carriers of the flu. Bacteria and similar organic particles are deactivated in strong ultraviolet light, stopping them from lowering impacting your air quality.